Sunday, 11 May 2014

May Meeting : Emma Wigginton

There was a real buzz around the May meeting, with a very good turn out.  An update from those who attended the NW Regional meeting was given and a confirmation on the next dates for our diaries.  (more about that later in this post).

Guest Speaker

Our guest speaker was Emma Wigginton, a very talented local textile artist.  She told us about her creative journey and how she goes about making her works of art which was followed by a demonstration of using machine embroidery to paint pictures and make other 3D objects.

She brought a good selection of her work for us to look at and get inspiration.

There was even a basket of goodies - how lovely are these brooches.

Emma uses two machines to make her pictures; an Embelisher and a sewing machine.

First of all you lay down strips of fabric over a piece of old blanket, and you use the embelisher to matt the pieces together.  The emblisher is a large felting machine which uses a groups of felting needles, so it felts really quickly.  It was quite noisy.  It does look a lot like a sewing machine, but there is no threading involved.  She was asked if you needed one of these machines? "you can felt by hand but it would be a very good workout".  Another item for the 'I want one of those' list.

Next she uses a sewing machine to add texture and applique to the surface to make the pictures.

Emma uses an old Pfaff sewing machine, a basic model which shows that you don't have to use a fancy sewing machine to get results. 
The sewing is freehand with the 'teeth' disengaged, you are in control of the length of stitch.
Further items are made separately or appliqued onto the work.  You don't have to stick to just fabric, this flower is being made from cheese paper (yes the stuff they wrap around cheese in good delis).

If you practice and let your imagination run wild you can create wonderful textiles like this below.
If you are wish to view more of Emma's work, please use this link to her blog. - Emma Wigginton

Other news

Tied by Stitch, Lancaster 21st June - would anyone like to go?
Woolfest , Cockermouth (27th and 28th June) - a list was available tonight, which day do we want to go?  Please let Barbara know if you would like to go.
Lady Anne's Costume Workshops
These to be held in the Riverside Building, unless advised otherwise.
  • Tuesday 3rd June, 6pm to 8pm - non tutor led workshop
  • Tuesday 8th July, 9am to 3.30pm - Tutor led workshop (no fee)
  • Tuesday, 12th August, 9am to 3.30 pm - non tutor led workshop
National Stitching Day - Saturday 2nd August - venues/times to be arranged.
Next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 3rd June during the Lady Anne's Costume Workshop.

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