Friday 7 March 2014

Space Dyeing Workshop

We all had great fun on Tuesday, turning this

Using these

Into this

Guild Member, Jackie Watkinson, ran a workshop on Space Dyeing, which uses a microwave.

We made felt from some lovely merino wool tops

If you have never made felt before, here is a quick overview.

  • Pull small pieces from your wool top
  • Make a 3 layered sandwich on a piece of bubble wrap (bubble side up)
  • Cover with a piece of old net curtaining and add some hot water (as hot as you can stand it)
  • Rub over with soap
  • Keeping rubbing until it makes a flat pancake
  • Now roll it in the bubblewrap and bamboo mat (optional), until all the wool fibres have matted together and you have your felt.

  • Wash in clean water to remove the soap and dry

Everybody made a piece of felt which was then put into a roasting bag and the dye sprinkled on top.

The dyes used are all in one acid dyes. Two tablespoons of water were added and the bag cooked in the microwave for 4 minutes.

Taa Daa - we have some colourful felt.

Challenge for the next meeting is to make something with the felt that we made tonight.

Next meeting is on Tuesday, 1st April 2014 and our guest speaker is Stella Adams Schofield.